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2021 marks California Reentry Program’s 18th anniversary.

This year we reflect on the thousands of lives we have touched

and the countless volunteers we’ve engaged and inspired. With

no state or federal funding, California Reentry Program’s work

depends on the generous donations of individuals and



Make a secure donation via PayPal​



Make a donation by check: 

         California Reentry Program   

         P.O. Box 483

         San Quentin, CA 94964



Donate :an item from our wishlist









Continuing this crucial work in the coming program year, we

are committed to growth in two major organizational areas:

measuring our impact and strengthening our team.


Measuring Impact

Program evaluations can be costly, requiring time, money, and expertise. But, the

benefits of these evaluations are tremendous! Through ongoing program assessment we can:

  • Quantify the successes and reach of our work

  • Perfect our program operations

  • Build up our advocacy and community engagement

  • Invest in strategic partnerships

  • Strengthen our relationships with current and new funders


Leadership and Program Staff

With a core team of passionate, experienced individuals exclusively focused on CRP’s strategic direction, program operations, and community engagement, we can:

  • Design more in depth volunteer education and trainings

  • Increase communication with volunteers, corrections officials, and policymakers

  • Provide clients with more effective, innovative, and impactful programming


What your donation provides


As a small nonprofit entirely funded by individual donations and small grants, every donation makes a difference to our 100% volunteer organization.

$22 cost of shipping and handling a box of parole clothing

$25 cost of a Birth Certificate

$30 for a transportation card

$35 backpack with toiletries, snacks and other essentials

$40 for a suitcase and a wallet

$70 prepaid phone for one month 

$100 for a set of new dressout clothes 


Thank you for your support! We are actively seeking meetings with individuals and Foundations interested in funding our work. For specific questions please email



Your donations help keep our doors open, our phones and electricity turned on and our printer printing while we work to educate your incarcerated loved ones and their family members on what it takes to become suitable for - and achieve - parole, and to reintegrate into a changed society. We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, listed with and in good standing with both the IRS and California Registry of Charitable Trusts. EIN# 56-2677415.

All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.

No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

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Photo Credit: Art Cheng

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